amazing (& cheap) beauty tricks [♥]

Ever since forever I’ve been obsessed with how to get nice glowing skin. As someone who suffers from eczema (ugh!), it wasn’t an easy thing to find products that didn’t make me feel like I had walked into a pit of fire.

BUT, I’ve found some maaaarrveellous ways to a) get glowing skin b) calm sensitive skin c) banish blemishes and d) not lose my s%$t spending hundreds a month on skincare

1. Honey!

Believe me, honey. Organic is best. Honey acts as an antiseptic and soothes & moisturises the skin.

Good for: Eczema, breakouts, redness, inflamed/irritated skin, dry skin

How?: Apply a layer to your face or body (even if the whole face isn’t affected, it ain’t doing you no harm!) Leave it for as long as you like (minimum 10-15 minutes) and rinse it off. Moisturise afterwards.

Extra, extra! If you can do this face/body mask while the bath is running, the steam will help your pores open and allow the honey to work its magic a little better

2. Oil!

Olive oil or avocado oils are best for the skin. These moisturise and soothe, but (believe it or not) don’t clog the pores and create breakouts.

Good for: Eczema, dry/scaly skin, irritated skin, dull skin

How?: Either have your shower/bath and apply the oil (just on your body if you already have your face moisturiser sorted) OR lather a layer onto your body, leave for 5 minutes and then rinse it off in the shower. This will leave you less oily but there’ll still be a layer of protection

Extra, extra! Avoid greasing yourself up right before bed or work or whatever. I usually do this on a lazy Sunday or a workday evening

3. Sugar

Yum 🙂 Sugar will be acting as your exfoliant, so sloughing away at dead skin cells and leaving the soft & healthy skin showin’ & glowin’. Limit to once or twice a week though, because over-exfoliation only leads to drier skin

Good for: Dry/scaly skin, dull skin, suitable for sensitive skin & eczema (some exfoliants out there are MEGA OUCH when it comes to eczema so this is suitable and pain-free for everyone), LIPS!

How?: Combine a 1/2 cup of sugar with some olive/avocado oil (just enough to cover the sugar, you don’t want excess oil). Dip in and – starting with your neck – smooth it all over in circular motions (spend about 10-15 seconds on each body part as a guesstimation). Rinse lightly 🙂 Try this with your smackers too.

Extra, extra! Once you’ve rinsed, you won’t need to moisturise because the oil will provide you with moisture and a barrier of protection without feeling too oily. You’ll seriously be glowing – yay! If you want to follow it up with Vit E cream though, go to town

4. Vitamin E Cream

The most cost effective and dermatologist-recommended moisturiser for face & body that will leave you silky smooth & healthy. It’s super moisturising and acts as an antioxidant

Good for: Eczema, dry/scaly skin, irritated skin, dull skin, sensitive skin, daily moisture

How?: Lather it all over after your bath or shower, use it as hand cream, night cream or for a pedicure. It’s super cheap (about $6 a tub) and you don’t need much

Extra, extra! It’s so multi-purpose and you can use it every day. Dermatologists often say this is the best age-defence moisturiser: a high potency vitamin e cream

mmm :) warning: upon application, you will be delicious

mmm 🙂 warning: upon application, you will be delicious

Questions? Answers!

Bathe happy!

xxxo Faith